Dodge Coronet Convertible Tops and Convertible Top Parts
Dodge Coronet in 1949 to the 1970 Dodge Coronet
was a classic two part convertible top. If you will be
contemplating do-it-yourself convertible top installation
then we can offer the tutorial and manual either within a
complete do-it-yourself package, or you can purchase the manual
first in order to understand the convertible top installation process
and then we would apply its cost toward
subsequent purchase of a complete Dodge Coronet convertible top package.
The earliest Dodge Coronet convertible model was the first year's
production for this model, in 1949. There was a Dodge Coronet
convertible available through 1970 except that between 1960 and
1964 the Dodge Coronet marque was dropped. The Dodge Coronet was
reintroduced in 1965.
Design and Materials:
Stayfast canvas was the original Dodge Coronet convertible top
fabric until 1955 when Haartz pinpoint vinyl became the original
convertible top fabric. The factory which makes our Dodge Coronet
top uses original computer stored pattern diagrams taken from the
original Dodge Coronet convertible top for each year. Original and
substitute fabrics can be chosen for your replacement Dodge Coronet
convertible top. Also original colors are available or you are
welcome to inquire about substitute convertible top fabrics or
alternative convertible top colors.
Shopping For Your Top:
The links on this page will take you to your Dodge Coronet
convertible top page. There you will be able to view fabric swatch
scans and evaluate convertible top accessories, such as Dodge
Coronet convertible top boot and other items.