Ford Thunderbird Convertible Tops and Convertible Top Parts
In two part convertible tops, the rear window section (called the "curtain") is attached with staples to the rear top cross bow of the convertible top frame. The rest of the top is the "main top" and it is attached at the rear bow over the curtain and at the sides and front ("header") bow.
Thunderbird Convertible Top Products Offered:
Convertible tops
Thunderbird motor pumps
Convertible glue kits
Top frame tacking strips
Convertible top hold down cables
Convertible top pads and webbing
Convertible top installation manuals for models dating from 1955 to
Full convertible top restoration package specials
and more
We now stock hydraulic cylinders, motor-pumps, and hoses for your convertible tops. All are made to OEM specifications. Each can be ordered separately; however, when ordering hydraulic cylinders we recommend replacing both. The chances are that both hydraulic cylinders were manufactured at the same time: if one is on its way out the other may follow. If the top is raised and one hydraulic cylinder is working harder than the other the result over time can lead to a slightly bent convertible top frame. The replacement of both hydraulic cylinders will ensure that the top raises and lowers symmetrically.
Two Part Tops: Can I Install
We offer a profusely illustrated convertible top manual, now in its
fourth edition. This covers, in detail, all the steps for
do-it-yourself convertible top installation. In particular, the
manual applies to these cars which all have a two part convertible
top. Owners may purchase the manual to review it before purchasing
a convertible top package. We would then pro-rate future purchase
of the convertible top when it is ordered.
If you can use an air compressor driven staple gun, and are patient and methodical, you are very likely to be able to install any of these convertible tops. The convertible top packages include everything needed in most cases. (Convertible top frame seals must be ordered separately if required.)
Note that there is no sewing involved in installing a two part convertible top. There is stapling and there is manipulation of the top fabric which in places is applied with contact cement. Our convertible top packages include stainless steel staples and the very best grade of contact cement with brush. Please click the link to your convertible top page for more information.